We’re heading to Hampton Court Palace Feel Good Festival!
16th to 18th May
A team of health experts from The London House of Wellbeing will be on hand throughout the Festival to answer your health questions or concerns. A doctor, a pharmacist, a nutritionist and Menopause Health & Fitness Coach – will be here to offer you all the advice you need to help you feel at your best.
Our exciting new Pause Lounge will be where you will have access to amazing health experts, 1-2-1 menopause advice and more. Plus, pick up an awesome goody bag packed with fantastic product samples and special offers! *.
Break up a busy day with a relaxing stop at the Pause Lounge. Grab a coffee or refuel with a nourishing snack. Drop in for an informal chat. Everyone is welcome.
If you need advice on how best to use this free service, please email:
* limited stock supply.